Ease the Pain of Moving House


No one likes packing boxes to only unpack a couple of days later. Here are a few ideas to help ease the pain of moving house and to streamline the process.

Before the Move

  1. Redirect mail and inform amenity providers of your disconnection day. Be mindful that if you are moving out of a rental property, you need to leave the power connected so that the Property Manager can check lights, air conditioners etc as part of the final bond inspection
  2. Create a moving box with the essential packing materials:
    Packing tape/dispenser
    Permanent Marker
    Stanley knife
  3. Collect cardboard boxes free from your local retailers (example: Bunnings, Coles or Woolworths)
  4. Declutter and get selling! Sell any unused items or donate to a local charity. This means less stuff to move and more money in your pocket
  5. Safely dispose of any hazardous items such as gas bottles and paint tins as these items cannot be easily disposed of in your regular bin

When Packing

  1. Label every box with the content and which room it needs to be placed in at the new property. This means each box can go straight to the assigned room without unnecessary sorting
  2. Don’t take clothes off hangers. Tape a bunch of hangers together by the hook to keep them secure
  3. Don’t make boxes too heavy with the risk of spilling your possessions on a hard floor
  4. Pack a separate priority box for when you arrive at your new home. This can include PJ’s, a couple of plates, knives, folks, toothbrush and soap. Saves you having to rummage through several boxes before you go to bed
  5. Use your suitcase to move heavier items. Your back will love you for it!
  6. When you dismantle larger pieces of furniture, store screws, nuts and bolts in plastic containers including a label specifying what piece of furniture they belong to
  7. Tape cables to electronics so they don’t get lost in the move
  8. Wrap your glassware in t-shirts, table clothes and tea towels ect. This will save on plastics and protect your breakables
  9. Finish packing boxes before moving day

For Renters – When you arrive at your new property, be sure to complete your property condition report as well as taking photos before you unpack your belongings.

Good luck with your next move!

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Ease the Pain of Moving House